By exemplifying positive actions, leading by examples and by learning from each other, participating fathers/mentors will become better men, but more importantly, their children will have “quality” dads.
Emphasizing the need for “unity” in the home which translates not only to a unified family, but also a unified community and society.
Providing a safe environment for participants to relate in honesty and truthfulness by helping one another work out latent issues and enhance strong character, attitude and traits.
Stressing the importance of relationships based on “quality time.” Through relevant workshops and mentoring, men will understand how to navigate today’s emotional, social and economic challenges in positive, healthy ways, and understand that “fatherhood” is no longer necessarily based on a biological bond, but rather on: a) the level of importance they place on their responsibility as fathers; b) social realities; and c) their ability to effectively rise to the present challenges in their homes and communities.
By exemplifying effective leadership qualities within the family, fathers will also positively affect the lives of youth and men who will themselves become “Q-u-I-r-L” fathers of tomorrow.
Learn More on Rev. Sky’s Champions of Change Profile Page Where you can read about why Rev. Sky Volunteers, watch an interview and video profile which was broadcast on CBC Connect, with Mark Kelley, November 8, 2010.